Meet the (new) owners
Beth and Kate became fast friends the summer of 1981 (they were going into 2nd and 3rd grades, respectively). Beth's family moved from Frankfort to a house one street behind Kate's family.
Soon after they became friends they discovered an unbelievable coincidence. The Easter before Beth moved to Bardstown, both girls had new Easter outfits their mothers had made them. They each had gone with their moms to pick out both the pattern and the fabric they liked the most. Turns out, they had chosen the EXACT SAME PATTERN and the EXACT SAME FABRIC. They didn't just pick out the same fabric for their skirts and matching jackets, but also for the blouses! The blouses were made from white fabric covered in tiny yellow rosebuds. The only difference in their butter yellow skirt suits was the sleeve length.
Unfortunately, it didn't occur to them that they should have put the outfits on and posed for a picture together.

Co-owners Kate Bowling (left) and Beth Clark
Fast forward several years to 1984. Kate's cousin, Cathy Clements, had identical twin sons. Kate couldn't babysit two infants alone, so Beth came along. Together, they babysat for Cathy's (eventually 4) sons for several years and Beth became a "cousin" to Cathy too.
Despite going to colleges in different parts of the state, the two remained best friends. They even joined their schools' chapters of the same sorority. (Beth earned a degree in fashion merchandising.)
Beth and Kate didn't live in the same town again until 2005, and it was perfect timing. They were able to raise their sons together in Bardstown!
In 2019 Beth ran into Cathy at a wedding. Cathy, ready to retire, joked with Beth that she should buy the store. The rest is history!
Beth and Kate agree that they wouldn't have taken the leap into small business ownership in any other situation. But Peacock on Third (that Cathy had started in 2009) was so well established that it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Cathy can occasionally be seen on the store's social media, modeling new arrivals. She even runs the store when Beth and Kate go to market. If you're lucky, she might be working on a day you come in!